Baby boy is growing up fast and he's taking my belly and flabby parts with him. About 3 weeks ago, we looked like this...

Now, I look like I've grown a barrel over my stomach...

The line in the middle of my tummy is also now pronounced, although I'm surprised my belly button hasn't popped out yet like most pregnant women I see. Here are photos of our baby and his cousin Gabby playing for the first time. That's my
linea nigra right there.

My issue at this point is the fact that my face is breaking out like never before. As in pimples are appearing all over my body. Eeek.
When we learned I was pregnant, I stopped going to the dermatologist and began applying nothing but Neutrogena on my face. I thought I could survive like that for 9 months. Apparently not. Here's a picture of me and Pipo on his day off. My chin is covered with pimples so I had to cover it up with my hand. Yikes.

After getting the go-ahead from our OB last Saturday, I waited 4 1/2 hours to consult with my dermatologist. This is my after-derma pic...

He has guaranteed that my creams are safe for the baby, so now I'm more at ease. I really hope these things go away. I gave up coloring my hair, exercise, my regular clothes, and my usually okay figure. If these pimples stay, I don't know how I'm ever going to stave off depression. Okay, I'll call it "sadness."

Anyway, last week, baby was the size of a spaghetti squash. I know. I too had no idea what that was. So I Googled and here's what I came up with...
This week, he's the size of a papaya. Aha. That we know, us crazee tropical dwellers.
As always, I'm still having trouble getting continuous sleep, my left lower back is increasingly becoming painful, and my hands and feet are starting to get swollen. Nothing the matter. Because now, the baby's moving more often and that's the feeling I love most in the world.