Today, I got started on packing our bags for the hospital. I was surprised at how easy the whole exercise was. It took me about half an hour to prepare Malachi's bag...
And mine...
I read through the lists here and here, and will be bringing most of what these sites suggest we bring, except we're skipping the "what to bring for labor" part. If all things go well, and we hope they will, I shouldn't have to go through labor anymore. *Fingers crossed*
On a side note, I'm really happy I got these drawer organizers last week. They made picking out Malachi's rooming in clothes such a breeze.
And by the way, here's Malachi's going home outfit.
Thanks Uncle Stephen and Auntie Sherl for the newborn layette! These are actually the smallest pieces of clothing in our stash of baby clothes. Because of them, Malachi won't be swimming in his pajamas when he comes home. Yey.

We'll also be bringing Malachi's first toy with us. We got him on sale for PhP125 in SM. Harhar, cheapskate. Anyway, even if Malachi knew about the economics of raising him, I'm sure he won't mind. He's cool like that. 
For now, I'm taking the liberty of naming this sleepy bear - Jackson. Hellow, Jackson. Smile for the camera...
Apart from completing the contents of this folder, which contains all our paperwork and some handwritten instructions for the husband, I guess we're okay.

All I need to do on Monday is show up early for work and do a repeat of my erstwhile "pleading/opinion factory" days. I'm sure we can manage. Chicken feed. Naks.
On a side note, I'm really happy I got these drawer organizers last week. They made picking out Malachi's rooming in clothes such a breeze.
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