Saturday, April 18, 2009

What's the matter, Pipo?

Pipo's been clingy lately. He usually just ignores us and sleeps in Manang'sroom. But a few weeks ago, he started following me wherever I went. He stood guard outside the bathroom door when I took showers. He slept on our bed everyday. He basically just liked to place himself as near to me as he can, be it inside my blanket or just hanging around in our room.

Could Pipo have known that I was pregnant even before we knew? According to this and this, there is no scientific evidence that domestic animals can detect early signs of pregnancy, although there are testimonies from pregnant women to this effect.

Regardless, Pipo sure has been acting strange since we got pregnant. I wonder what's on his mind. Maybe he's worried about having to share his toys. Hmmm.

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