Monday, July 20, 2009

Pregnancy Journal 4.3 (Shrek)

This is a photo of Shrek and his belly. He's wearing my white tank top and black flats, on carpeted floors that just happen to look like the ones in my office. Heehee

Seriously, I don't look too bloated yet. I think it depends on what I wear. Here, it either looks like I'm pregnant or I drank too much beer...

But look at me wearing this loose jersey tunic the next day, and the Baby's not showing so much...

Our doctor told us I wasn't gaining enough weight during the first trimester (I gained about 5 lbs. total). I apparently took her advise seriously, because I gained a whopping 8 lbs. in the 4th month alone! Nya. I haven't been this heavy in my entire life. I didn't even know it was possible for a person to gain that much weight, that fast.

It makes sense now. When a friend (whom we will call Smchina :p) was pregnant, she complained a lot that she was getting fat. I brushed her whining aside and told her that of course she's going to get fat, she's pregnant. But I realize now that pregnancy carries with it self-image issues, especially when you've never been this "plump" before; more so when you've always watched your weight as an adult. Nya talaga!

To address my "issues" whenever I look at the mirror, I try to see past the cellulite and focus on my growing belly instead. So long as the Baby's happy and healthy in there, it's all good with me. My only problem with all the weight gain is the pressure that my body's been exerting on my feet. Just a few minutes standing up are enough to hurt my soles. And don't even get me started on the back pains!

This month, our goal is to gain "only" 4 lbs. I guess this means I would have to eat only 1 cup of rice per meal, and to lay low on the sweets. Farewell, Dairy Queen! 

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