Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Elmo likes to organize

My mom arrived today. She will be home until about 3 months after I give birth. Just the thought of her being around is comforting this late in my pregnancy. No amount of preparation beats your own mother's presence. She knows everything.

Anyway, my mother brought home these bedroom slippers (or socks? Hmmm.) given by my Aunt Lilia. I can't wait to put these on the baby. Yey...

The slippers (or socks?) inspired me to tidy up a little. I intended to organize after we've done some full-on heavy-duty shopping. But picking up baby's things from various places in the house, i.e. our sock drawers, seemed like a good idea today.

So now all of his things are in this plastic container. I haven't quite figured out how the Dewey Decimal system works, so the socks are rolled up in there with the bonnets and the mittens and the rompers and some other stuff. Some shirts for 2 years olds are also somewhere in there too.

What the heck. At least, it's a start.

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