Friday, October 16, 2009

Pregnancy Journal 7.5 (Never Say Never)

I thought the wedge pillow we got when I was 5 months along was useless. It has actually become my best friend. I haven't been sleeping like I used to, of course. But the pillow's been a great help. At least it makes lying down for long periods of time, i.e. 8 hours, more bearable. Although Lawrd, how long until I'm able to sleep face down again? Hay.

I should thank the R&D teams of the companies that come up with these amazing products for pregnant women. I abused the Belly Belt and the Bra Extenders until they couldn't fit me anymore. Now I'm in love with the amazing Maternity Support Belt. I got mine from Havin' A Baby and it costs only PhP545. Yahoo. A maternity support belt looks like you're regular supporter -

- except you wear it around your belly rather than around your balls, if any. It looks more or less like this when worn, minus the pantyhose Teehee -

It literally supports a pregnant woman's belly like so, thereby taking some of the weight of the baby off her back. Thank the heavens, I needed the maternity belt only recently. My back only started seriously hurting at around 7 months, which is right about when I started to look like this.

Very heavy guys. Very heavy indeed.

All for now. I went home early and was trying my best not to cry in the car while driving from the office because of the back pains. I'm such a loser - who has got to get some rest. Toodles.

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